Why We Exist
Love God, Love People, and Bring The Two Together.
In summary, Fellowship Church’s mission is to love people and love God so much that we do whatever it takes to fulfill The Great Commission.
What To Expect
Time of Worship
We play contemporary music that glorifies God using all kinds of instruments. We use music to help us praise and worship God for who He is and all that He has done in our lives. We lift our hands, sing, clap, and sometimes shout because He has been so good to us.
We intend to be a church that is Christ-centered and Holy Spirit led. Our pastor delivers thought-provoking and engaging messages based on the bible. Response Time
Response Time
At the end of the message, you will be given an opportunity to immediately respond to God. Please visit the altar for someone from our Prayer Team to pray with or for you.
Tithes and Offering
We worship God by giving to Him through a monetary offering. As our guest, don’t feel pressured to give today, just know that this is the time in service where members faithfully and biblically give to support the mission and vision of our church.
How To Attend
Join us in person on Sunday mornings at 11am at our Oxford Campus OR on our Facebook Live stream.
Connect With Us!
If you are a first time guest or if this is your first time with us in a long time then we want to connect with you! Please fill out the card below so that we can get to know you!