How's Your Health?
Hows your health?
There are many misnomers about Christianity. Many people have opinions on what a healthy Christian life looks like but are those always right? What does a healthy Christian look like? When I say healthy, I’m referring not to physical health, but to someone who represents Jesus well in a healthy and true way. Here is what the Word, not the world says.
A check list of health for a follower of Christ.
You can remain faithful, even and especially through suffering. Acts 14:22
* The healthy follower of Christ realizes that life isn’t always fair and that because of that difficulties are inevitable. What separates a healthy follower of Christ from a casual one is that they are willing to stick things out no matter what. Their faith does not waiver, no matter what.
Big Idea: The faithful follower has an eternal focus.
2. You live with a desire to be in His presence. Psalm 42:1-2
* A healthy Christian regularly experiences God’s presence in his or her life and desire it often. A healthy Christian wants to know God personally, and God fills and empowers him or her by the Spirit’s loving presence.
Big Idea: Prioritizing His presence strengthens the desire thereof.
3. You live with a desire for His glory. John 3:30
* A healthy Christian regularly experiences God’s presence in his or her life. A healthy Christian wants to know God personally, and God fills and empowers him or her by the Spirit’s loving presence. When His glory becomes your goal in life He is most satisfied with you.
Big Idea: Glorifying self leads to disappointment, glorifying God leads to contentment
4. You are increasing in loving kindness. Galatians 5:22-23
* You recognize a healthy Christian by seeing the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. They are growing in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As a growing and healthy follower of Christ you should be increasing in all of the things that please God, especially in your love for others.
Big Idea: The love of Christ in the believer compels him or her to love others.