Power of Prayer

The Approach.

Matthew 6: 5-13

The context - Jesus clearly instructed the context to a healthy prayer. Here are three ideas that Jesus shared as to what should be avoided in prayer.

1. Making prayer a public spectacle.

2. Creating a habit that is self-serving.

3. Letting environment dictate your prayer time. 

The Five P’s for a meaningful prayer life. (as produced by Jentzen Franklin)

  1. Praise. “hallowed be your name.”

The greatest concern in your prayers and life should be hallowing of the name of God.

To hollow His name is to keep his place in your life as sacred and revered.

Big Idea: Theres always something to thank God for.

2.  Priority. “your kingdom come, your will be done” 

This alludes to priorities. What you pray for matters. If what you are praying for is

Only for selfish gain or conceit, your priorities might be out of order. 

Big Idea: Pray first for what matters most.

3.  Provision. “Give us today our daily bread”

God is your provider, therefore you should never shy away from asking HIm.

Ask for His provision for your life. He’s waiting on your ask.

Big Idea: You rarely receive what you don’t ask for.

4.  Pardon. “Forgive us our debt, as we have forgiven our debtors.”

Asking for forgiveness is a staple in any prayer that you might pray. 

Not only is there known sin, but there is also the unknown.

Big Idea: Forgiveness must be given to be received. 

5.  Protection. “And lead us not into temptation, deliver us from the evil one.”

All believers are the special target of Satan. The devil hates you. 

The protection that you need must be expressed.

Big Idea: There is comfort in knowing you are kept safe.