What Is A LifeGroup

The definition of a LifeGroup is very simple: a gathering of no more than 12 individuals, not including the leader(s), with a common interest to fellowship, grow, and live life together. LifeGroups are not necessarily about growing in number but about growing in those areas that make lasting relationships with others. In the meantime, don’t refuse what God may want to bring increase to.


Why Life Groups Are Important

1. People desire to belong - Oftentimes people want to know that they belong before they will even believe. As connected as we are through social media and other ways, people are as lonely today as they have ever been. People want to feel a part of something; they want to belong.

2. Smaller communities can be more effective - As the old saying goes, bigger isn’t always better, or even effective. Some of the best relationships are formed in smaller groups of people. Its hard to get to know 200 people and much easier to get to know 12.

3. When we are able to give and/or receive personal attention growth, connection, and discovery are more apt to happen. This journey that we all are on is one of that, discovery. This allows for open dialogue, vulnerability, and true connection. This just can’t happen in large groups.


How To Join A LifeGroup

Signups are available at any time for groups that are active. You can find information on each LifeGroup at each campus or here on our website. Click the link below to find a LifeGroup that fits your life!